Matthew 26:25 – April 13, 2022

Then Judas, his betrayer, said in reply, “Surely it is not I, Rabbi?” He answered, “You have said so.” Matthew 26:25 NABRE                

Jesus gathered with His disciples for a meal, He mentions a betrayer. All are surprised to learn the betrayer is among them and they are curious who Jesus is speaking about. The betrayer is Judas and even he comments that it could not be him that will betray Jesus. He is trying to cast off suspicion but in fact Jesus affirms it is Him in a response saying you have said so. It seems common when we are trying to play off guilt that we overdo it in our denial. A saying was created, “The lady doth protest too much, methinks” which is a line from the play Hamlet by William Shakespeare. It is spoken by Queen Gertrude in response to the insincere overacting of a character in the play within a play created by Prince Hamlet to prove his uncle’s guilt in the murder of his father, the King of Denmark. It is used to express a doubt about someone’s sincerity regarding the truth of a strong denial. For Judas he is trying to deny the truth to Jesus who already knows of his plans.

Jesus indicates it is better not to be born than to betray Him, which is an interesting thought to ponder. Surely the punishment for betrayal is horrific but what are we like if we are not born? Perhaps Jesus knows something or perhaps it is just a figure of speech. But the point is made, for Jesus betrayal is an action that is quite horrendous. In this case Jesus is betrayed which leads to His death, in every case of betrayal it becomes impossible to find a safe return to honesty and trust. If we betray we are breaking a relationship and dishonoring our friend. How can trust be reborn in this circumstance? Even small betrayals can be irreversible.

Have you been betrayed? How do you react to dishonesty among your friends?

In every case of betrayal it becomes impossible to find a safe return to honesty and trust. If we betray we are breaking a relationship and dishonoring our friend. How can trust be reborn in this circumstance? Even small betrayals can be irreversible. Share on X

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