2 Timothy 4:16 – October 18, 2022

At my first defense no one appeared on my behalf, but everyone deserted me. May it not be held against them! 2 Timothy 4:16 NABRE                

Paul writes to Timothy, a fellow worker in Christ, expressing gratitude and expecting a visit from him, so he asks him to bring some items. He misses Timothy and desires a visit soon. Paul is imprisoned and feels deserted. Timothy is especially close and Paul is thankful for his coming. We can read Paul’s loneliness and see his evaluating of past efforts. He trusts the work he has done will be useful through God’s intervention, but he is taking stock in his future. He is on trial and mentions that no one defended him, in fact they deserted him. But rather than being angry or having ill will towards those who left, he desires it not be held against them, certainly this is Paul’s prayer. Praying for those who turned against him and those who would not come to his defense.

This is a sign of a person who trust completely in God. Sometimes our human nature causes us to want to get even or take revenge on those who hurt us. Often, we take offense, even when none is intended. Those who desert Paul have their reasons, fear of being arrested themselves is likely. God can turn every situation into good and a complete faith and trust will allow us to live freely in peace. Often when we worry about things that we cannot change, like how someone treats us or reacts to us we focus on what we could have done differently, or how to change them. Paul’s message lets us know it is not always about us, allow yourself the understanding that you are doing your best and sometimes reactions are about others, not you. Pray for those who hurt you and give yourself a break.

Do you turn on yourself? Can you let others reactions go?

Often when we worry about things that we cannot change, like how someone treats us or reacts to us we focus on what we could have done differently, or how to change them. Pray for those who hurt you and give yourself a break. Share on X

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