Galatians 6:7-8 – May 22, 2019

Make no mistake: God is not mocked, for a person will reap only what he sows, because the one who sows for his flesh will reap corruption from the flesh, but the one who sows for the spirit will reap eternal life from the spirit. Galatians 6:7-8 NABRE     

Paul is writing to the community of Galatia to encourage them. We may have an impression that God is constantly judging our behavior, if we do good we are rewarded, if we do bad we are punished. Paul informs us good and evil are their own results. We’ll reap what we have sown, in other words if we plant tomatoes, we shouldn’t expect peppers on the plants. Recognize doing good is its own reward and doing wrong is its own punishment. We shouldn’t see God as a bringer of doom on us. Paul contrasts flesh and spirit. If we are operating out of the flesh than we are seeking our own pleasure, looking out for no one but ourselves, being selfish and self-centered. But if we are following the spirit than we are assured of entering eternal life because the Spirit is the giver of life. Along the way we will live joy filled rewarding lives. It seems simple but of course to live a life of the spirit requires selflessness and giving which tends to be against our nature. For humans it is easy to just look out for ourselves and do what makes us happy without considering others. So we need to pray and ask for help to follow the spirit and never give up, rather constantly work toward a spirit filled life.

I heard it said once that if you asked the people in hell if they are happy they will say yes. If you ask the people in heaven if they are happy they will say yes. Wherever they are they are there because they lived that way their entire life. It is hell all the way to hell and it is heaven all the way to heaven.

What are you planting? Are you expecting what you’ll reap?

I heard it said once that if you asked the people in hell if they are happy they will say yes. If you ask the people in heaven if they are happy they will say yes. Share on X

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