Mark 6:55 – February 7, 2022

They scurried about the surrounding country and began to bring in the sick on mats to wherever they heard he was. Mark 6:55 NABRE                

Jesus is traveling and comes to a land called Gennesaret via a boat. People seeing them leaving the boat and they recognize Jesus and His disciples. They come to Jesus with their sick, carrying them on mats or by whatever means to where they hear Jesus is. Whatever village or town Jesus enters sick are laid before Him, begging that they could touch His tassel knowing they would be healed. Jesus never refuses.

Often in church world people think there is a moral code that must be followed before any grace, healing or mercy can be shown to people, especially sinners, which we all tend to be at some point. We see churches that require a certain purity before certain sacraments can be received. You can’t be divorced, you can’t be gay, you can’t have impure thought’s, you must confess all wrong doing, and on and on. In many ways we hold up the sacred as a worthiness test. If you are not worthy, you cannot partake. But, Jesus never tests people before healing or helping them. Jesus freely gives His power for healing to all and as we know when someone touches His cloak power goes out of him. (Luke 8:46). The presumption is Jesus has to give something of Himself for others to be healed. Never once does Jesus make someone go and confess their wrong doing before He agrees to help. God freely gives, we are never worthy of God’s generosity, but God always gives, no matter who we are or what we have done. Followers of Jesus need to learn to give without asking questions, without judgement and without a worthiness test.

Are you worthy of healing or redemption of Jesus? Do you give, without judging the recipient?

God freely gives, we are never worthy of God's generosity, but God always gives, no matter who we are or what we have done. Followers of Jesus need to learn to give without question, judgement or a worthiness test. Share on X

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