Mark 7:8 – February 8, 2022

You disregard God’s commandment but cling to human tradition. Mark 7:8 NABRE                  

Certain religious leaders from the temple come and see Jesus. They observe that Jesus’ disciples are not following Jewish traditions, in particular they do not wash their hands before eating a meal. All Jews always carefully wash their hands before eating. Jesus calls these leader hypocrites, reciting a passage from Isaiah about people honoring God with their mouths but not their hearts. His point, the leaders more closely watch traditions passed from other humans, but they do not follow the commandments of God. The example He uses is about a Jew taking a vow of offering to God, and by extension the temple treasury. Making this vow they cannot give the money to their parents despite the obligation of the Fourth Commandment or the need of their parents. The vow law of Moses creates an antithetical law to the commandment of God to honor father and mother in this case. For Jesus this is putting human rules above Godly desire. 

Today we are not surprised to see churches requiring their rules be followed even in opposition to Jesus’ teaching. Jesus says love one another yet churches often push out the homeless, gay, sinner, divorcee; maybe not directly but through their rhetoric. Scripture does not provide an example of Jesus putting any institution or organization before people. Churches are necessary and helpful but sometimes the organization requires more care at the expensive of the people with the biggest needs. Evaluate your church and influence it toward the beatitudes and Jesus call to do for the least above maintaining its own existence.

What rules are priority for you and your organizations? Do you put people first, always?

Jesus says love one another yet churches often push out the homeless, gay, sinner, divorcee; maybe not directly but through their rhetoric. Scripture does not provide an example of Jesus putting any institution or organization before people. Share on X

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