Luke 5:11 – February 6, 2022

When they brought their boats to the shore, they left everything and followed him. Luke 5:11 NABRE                

Jesus is teaching a crowd and they press in on Him so closely He decides to use a fishing boat to go out on the water and preach to the crowd. The boat belongs to Simon Peter and after Jesus’ teaching He has Simon throw his net again into the water. Inspired by the great catch, after a night of catching nothing, Simon and his partners decide to leave everything and follow Jesus. Jesus tells them they will be catching men. Jesus is indicating the type of life they will lead and the work they will do to share His message with others. Sharing the message of Jesus as missionaries brings them great influence which they use to attract others to follow Jesus. The mission these men started over two thousand years ago continues to spread and influence new people today. Jesus has the charisma to draw people who are searching for meaning. Jesus of course wants these people to find the kingdom of God and help create a kingdom where all will find peace, joy and love.

We read that these men left everything to follow Jesus, this is the effect Jesus has on people. When you find something great you will do anything to be a part of it. Jesus thrust greatness on these men and on anyone who leaves everything to follow Him. The emphasis is never on what is being left behind but on the value of the things obtained, God’s grace and generosity.  Today we rarely leave everything to follow Jesus, we tend to think of it as a both-and proposition. We can have Jesus and the comforts of the secular world. Hopefully, this does not hold us back. 

Can you imagine leaving everything to be a follower of Jesus? Would you give away what is most valuable to you, if you could have the kingdom of God?

Today we rarely leave everything to follow Jesus, we tend to think of it as a both-and proposition. We can have Jesus and the comforts of the secular world. Hopefully, this does not hold us back. Click To Tweet

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