Mark 6:31 – February 5, 2022

He said to them, “Come away by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while.” People were coming and going in great numbers, and they had no opportunity even to eat. Mark 6:31 NABRE               

Jesus has sent His disciples off to preach a message of repentance, giving them authority to heal as well as anoint and preach. When they return Jesus wants to hear all they did while away, but they have become too popular and the crowds keep after them. So Jesus takes them aside and tries to bring them to a deserted place so they may have a chance to rest and eat. The crowd still finds them and Mark goes on to tell the miracle of the feeding of thousands with just a few loaves and fish. We read about Jesus at his most compassionate. The disciples have worked hard and need rest and food and Jesus is the one trying to take care of them. He wants them to have a time of solitude and an opportunity to enjoy a meal without having to do any work. This is Jesus at His finest, and it still provides hope for us today.

We read on the lips of Jesus, “Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28) Jesus cares about all people and He wants to take care of us. Through His divinity Jesus knows what is needed. God created everything in six days and then made a day of rest. All this so that we can be cared for by our God. God offers rest, food, but most of all we can know God has our backs. If you need something, Jesus already knows what it is, reach out to Jesus saying yes and it will be given to you.

Do you go to Jesus for what you need? Can you find peace without God?

God offers rest, food, but most of all we can know God has our backs. If you need something, Jesus already knows what it is, reach out to Jesus saying yes and it will be given to you. Share on X

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