Matthew 7:24 – December 2, 2021

Everyone who listens to these words of mine and acts on them will be like a wise man who built his house on rock. Matthew 7:24 NABRE                

Jesus has such confidence in the message He is sent to bring and its benefit for all who hear it that He declares a person wise and with a good foundation if they listen to His words and act on them. Christians have a founder who has come from God, His Son and we believe every word spoken by God’s Son is food for a good life. We believe Jesus is the Son of God, we believe Jesus has been sent to share a message of hope and we believe Jesus redeems us through love. So Jesus tells us listen to my words and act on them and Christians of strong faith and belief listen and act. But Jesus hasn’t come to start a new religion or a new church He has come to bring the kingdom of God. We have raised Jesus up to a level of adoration where it is a sin to use His name in vain as much as is it a sin to use God’s name in vain. In fact we declare Jesus as a member of the triune God. This is great for Christians. 

But, Jesus’ words are foundation for any person who hears them. Jesus says many things that will lead anyone to a good life. Jesus brings a message that will lead to happiness, peace, joy and wholeness. People don’t have to be a member of a church or a religion to listen to Jesus words and take them to heart. By listening and acting upon Jesus’ words anyone can be called wise and have a life with a strong foundation. The reverse is true as well, hearing Jesus’ words and ignoring them can lead anyone to a life of collapse and foolishness. Christians have made their work about evangelizing, but there is value in simply telling people to listen even if they don’t believe. 

Do you listen and act upon Jesus words? Are you convinced everyone must believe in Jesus to be wise? 

Christians have made their work about evangelizing, but there is value in simply telling people to listen even if they don't believe. Share on X

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