Matthew 15:31 – December 1, 2021

The crowds were amazed when they saw the mute speaking, the deformed made whole, the lame walking, and the blind able to see, and they glorified the God of Israel. Matthew 15:31 NABRE                

Jesus walks by the Sea of Galilee, goes up a mountain and sits. Great crowds come to Him, many disabled, blind, mute and sick, while sitting at His feet they are cured. The text says Jesus cured them but isn’t the idea of being near Jesus, healing? In other readings those healed are characterized as healed through their own faith. Those struggling to get to the mountain and sit near Jesus demonstrate a great faith. Those in attendance who see all the healings are amazed and give glory to God. This further indicates Jesus is not doing anything special for the people to be healed, they are healed by God. Jesus doesn’t take credit for healing and doesn’t require anything from those healed. He is satisfied knowing they see God as their healer. Jesus knows all things are possible with God and God is the only one who can heal when it is His will. This is the beginning of the kingdom of God, a place where the disabled are healed, and faith radiates through a crowd seeing all God can accomplish. 

Jesus is the example of the type of Christian God desires. Paul notes in a letter to Philippi Jesus did not regard equality with God something to be grasped, rather he humbled Himself. This is the posture all Christians are to mimic, God is God and we are not. Walk humbly and with humility and when good happens point to God, Creator of all good. Sometimes celebrity pastors may forget to point to God, we are imperfect humans, and we can forgive pride, but never see anyone as anything but a humble servant. Just as we are never more than a humble servant. 

Do you live humbly? Do you live in awe of God alone?

Sometimes celebrity pastors may forget to point to God, we are imperfect humans, and we can forgive pride, but never see anyone as anything but a humble servant. Just as we are never more than a humble servant. Share on X

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