Matthew 4:20 – November 30, 2021

At once they left their nets and followed him. Matthew 4:20 NABRE                

Jesus is journeying along the sea and selecting followers who will become His apostles. He calls two brothers Simon and Andrew saying to them, come after me and I will make you fishers of men. We read that they drop everything at once and follow Him. It is sort of a miracle, these men are called by the teacher rather than looking for a teacher and they accept instantly. These men were professional fishermen, out on the Sea of Galilee with their family trying to catch fish to sell and provide the necessary coin to support their family. We later find out Simon is likely married, they may have children, yet when called they follow. It is not a Sunday thing for these guys it is a seven day a week thing, travelling all over the land, and in time putting their lives in danger as Jesus’ followers. At this first call they have no doubt, and they have no hesitation. While we will read of denial and doubts later, for the most part these men stay with Jesus and do all that is asked of them. 

Following Jesus is meant to be a life changing journey. We receive a call much like these men, we respond to the call, and perhaps in the beginning we want to follow every day, undoubting and without hesitation. But in time following Jesus often becomes a Sunday thing. We volunteer at the church, we perhaps pray every day but for the most part we live our lives and drop in on Jesus when it is right in our minds. Jesus wants us to totally change, to be transformed and to pick up our cross and follow Him daily. We are called to make a difference. There are those lost, who should see us and say I want what they have, not a job, or nice house but a heart of love that brings joy to ourselves and others. 

Is Jesus just a Sunday thing for you? How have you changed since you were called by Jesus?

We are called to make a difference. There are those lost, who should see us and say I want what they have, not a job, or nice house but a heart of love that brings joy to ourselves and others. Share on X

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