Mark 12:29 – October 31, 2021

Jesus replied, “The first is this: ‘Hear, O Israel! The Lord our God is Lord alone!'” Mark 12:29 NABRE                 

A scribe addresses Jesus and sincerely asks which is the first of all commandments. A scribe is a person who is trained in the craft of copying manuscripts and is usually an expert in the law. This is one of the few times Jesus answers a question and He does so by quoting Scripture, Deuteronomy 6:4-5, the Lord our God is Lord alone. The Jews may have been the only monotheistic community in the world at the time, most cultures were polytheistic. The Jews were granted this insight through their relationship with God who since the time of Moses is guiding them to better understand Him, and know He is the one true God. They know God created all things and holds all things in existence by His goodness and power. Today there are many in the world who believe in one true God so it may not seem such an important revelation but when Jesus is done speaking about God no one dared to ask Him any more questions, it is like a “mic drop” moment. Jesus also says we are to love God with our whole heart, soul, mind and strength; we are to love God with every fiber of our being. 

We don’t really appreciate understanding and knowing one true God, we have many things in our life that seem to take priority. If we know there is one God and God is the creator of everything and desires only love, we should probably make God the priority. But, we tend to put many other things first, priorities can be our jobs, our hobbies, our thirst for more, our hunger for power, anything we spend an inordinate amount of time doing or obtaining. We should make God our Lord alone, and everything else ancillary. After all the one true God can take care of all our needs. 

What has priority in your life? How would you live if you believe God was Lord alone?

We should make God our Lord alone, and everything else ancillary. After all the one true God can take care of all our needs. Share on X

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