Luke 14:5 – October 29, 2021

Then he said to them, “Who among you, if your son or ox falls into a cistern, would not immediately pull him out on the sabbath day?” Luke 14:5 NABRE                

Jesus is dining with one of the lead Pharisees, the third time Jesus has dinner with a Pharisee and it is the third time we read about what is appropriate to do on the Sabbath. The Sabbath for Orthodox Jews is a holy time, no work is to be done. Work in this case is almost anything, including healing an individual. As it turns out there is a man suffering from dropsy, modern day edema. Jesus wants to know from those sitting with Him, is ok to cure on the Sabbath. When He doesn’t receive a reply, though the reader is sure those not answering think it is forbidden based on previous examples, Jesus cures the man and sends him on his way. Jesus asks wouldn’t you save your ox or son if they fell in a ditch on the Sabbath and if the animal is saved on the Sabbath shouldn’t more be done for a man who needs healing on the Sabbath. Jesus emphasizes the point, testing religious leaders who proclaim the law compared to caring for people. 

God places the highest priority on people and only establishes law when it helps people come closer to God. When the law becomes the priority and love for God or people secondary at best, God’s kingdom is not honored. These religious leaders are guardians of the law, many times pointing to others flaws in the law, and making the law most important, even over God. Law is only in place where love cannot be employed. Using law to bind what is morally right intends to bring us to a place where love is possible. Jesus chooses love all the time. He doesn’t want to overturn the law, essentially He is the fulfillment of the law. To love is to follow the law and Jesus is love.

Would you break the law to show love for a neighbor? What do you think of church rules?

Using law to bind what is morally right intends to bring us to a place where love is possible. Jesus chooses love all the time. He doesn't overturn the law, essentially He is the fulfillment of the law. To love is to follow the law, Jesus is love. Share on X

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