Luke 6:13 – October 28, 2021

When day came, he called his disciples to himself, and from them he chose Twelve, whom he also named apostles: Luke 6:13 NABRE                

Luke tells the events of Jesus calling disciples to be apostles. Jesus has disciples, we can read the story of their calling, for example Simon Peter becoming a disciple is written in Luke 5:1-11. Mark and Matthew tell similar versions of the calling of the disciples, but it is Luke who credits Jesus for naming them apostles. We read Jesus calls twelve which He will later connect to the twelve tribes of Israel, each apostle sitting on a throne judging the twelve tribes of Israel (Luke 22:30.) The word apostle means “one who is sent” and Jesus will send these twelve to declare the coming of the kingdom of God, much as He Himself has been sent by the Father. Some scholars will add that to be a true apostle you have seen or lived with Jesus, though this cannot always be demonstrated. Paul calls himself an apostle (Ephesians 1:1) though he never met Jesus, he however has an encounter with the risen Christ. We read Mary Magdalen meeting Jesus at the tomb on Easter morning and she is sent by Jesus to the other disciples with a message, certainly she should be viewed as an apostle. But Scripture likes to keep to the twelve so that the link to the twelve tribes continues, this means a new apostle must be chosen after Judas’ betrayal and death.

Jesus who seems to be a man outside of time begins the selecting of the twelve, naming them apostles, when the right day came. We may not necessarily think of Jesus as a big planner, but there is some kind of time table that is important. We hear him say, “my hour has not yet come” in the Scriptures. Clearly Jesus knew what He was doing and when it would happen. Selecting apostles is a key part of His mission.

Are you an apostle? What is Jesus sending you to do?

Jesus who seems to be a man outside of time begins the selecting of the twelve, naming them apostles, when the right day came. Clearly Jesus knew what He was doing and when it would happen. Selecting apostles is a key part of His mission. Share on X

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