Luke 13:29 – October 27, 2021

And people will come from the east and the west and from the north and the south and will recline at table in the kingdom of God. Luke 13:29 NABRE                

Jesus is journeying towards Jerusalem with many people following and one asks if many will be saved. Jesus is asked one hundred and eighty-three questions which He only answers three, and yet He asks three hundred and seven questions Himself. This is a questions He does not answer, He says to the questioner strive to enter through the narrow door because many will attempt to enter. In one way Jesus is indicating many will desire eternal life, however some will not have strong enough faith to make it through. Jesus claims there will be people coming from the north, south, east and west, which could be an indication of the restoration of Israel, the people united again; but it also gives a sign the Gentiles are included, the kingdom of God is for everyone. Jesus creates a banquet image, many reclining for the celebration (similar to the feeding of thousands described in Luke 9:14-17.) The life to come is a celebration often seen as a wedding feast and Jesus is letting those who hear Him know they should do all they can to arrive through the narrow door, almost like a special VIP entrance for those who are best known by the host.

The kingdom of God is a world made of God’s influence, it has love, peace joy, goodness, compassion, mercy and gentleness, it is a place many will desire to belong. Jesus knows many will try but do they all have the advantage of knowing Jesus and His mission in the world. We must know Jesus to be known at the banquet, working on our discovery of Jesus and the sharing of His message should be our number one priority.

Do you seek the narrow door to the banquet? Are you sure you know that you know Jesus?

We must know Jesus to be known at the banquet, working on our discovery of Jesus and the sharing of His message should be our number one priority. Share on X

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