Mark 10:51 – October 24, 2021

Jesus said to him in reply, “What do you want me to do for you?” The blind man replied to him, “Master, I want to see.” Mark 10:51 NABRE                 

Mark relates a story of a man born blind calling out to Jesus as He passes. The man likely is at the city entrance every day begging to survive. Jesus stops and asks the man what do you want me to do for you? Jesus knows he wants something. Jesus doesn’t get called unless someone has a need. Wherever He travels His reputation is such that people know Him as a healer and seeing Him, call out to have their ailment healed. Yet, we never read Jesus is exasperated by all the requests, He has said I come not to be served but to serve, and He witnesses service constantly. I like that Jesus asks the man what he wants, it is a good lesson. It is easy to assume the blind man wants Jesus to restore his sight. But Jesus asks, and listens to his request. The man calls Jesus master and says I want to see. He demonstrates a great act of belief calling Jesus master, and demonstrate a great act of faith believing Jesus can restore his sight. 

I like to think about how the man learns of Jesus and His ability to heal and help those in need. He is a man sitting day in and day out at the city entrance begging and listening. For this man to hear about Jesus it is reasonable to presume people spoke of a great healer as they past. The man’s city, Jericho is on a path to Jerusalem, and passersby would know of Jesus, His challenges of the religious leaders as well as all the good He is doing. So for this blind man hearing the commotion of Jesus passing is a great opportunity, one he couldn’t pass up. He calls to Jesus and Jesus’ heals him. Once his sight is restored the man follows Jesus on His way to Jerusalem.

Are you vigilant about listening for Jesus stories? Are you ready to serve constantly, like Jesus?

For a blind man hearing the commotion of Jesus passing is a great opportunity, one he couldn't pass up. He calls to Jesus and Jesus' heals him. Once his sight is restored the man follows Jesus on His way to Jerusalem. Share on X

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