Luke 13:9 – October 23, 2021

it may bear fruit in the future. If not you can cut it down. Luke 13:9 NABRE                

Jesus is calling people to repentance. When church people talk about repentance there is a negative connection with that word, it seems to be a call to stop sinning. While not sinning is a wonderful thing to do, when Jesus calls people to repent He is asking people to change. He comes and lives among the people and He recognizes the way they live is not working. People get into the trap of working for shelter and food, all time spent on surviving, not living. Jesus has a better message; depend on God, love one another, do for one another and we will have more peace in our life. But we don’t trust enough to live in this manner, we still feel like we have to take control of things ourselves and work hard to obtain what we need and want, even though we never have enough and continually chase our desires.

Jesus tells the story of a fig tree that produces no fruit, and the owner wants to cut it down rather than have it exhaust the soil for no reason. But the person who cares for the fig tree speaks on its behalf saying he would give it special care and cultivation, then perhaps it will bear fruit and if it does not bear fruit in the future cut it down. For me this makes two important points, one, the tree has someone caring for it and two the tree deserves a second chance. Jesus intends this message to apply to people. People should have someone who walk with them and care for them always, but especially when things are not going smoothly. We should also accept and give second chances. Often when people do us wrong we decide to just push them out of our life. Jesus tells us don’t do that, rather care for those who hurt us and see the fruit they may bear.

Who do you care for in life? How many times have you given a second chance?

Often when people do us wrong we decide to just push them out of our life. Jesus tells us don't do that, rather care for those who hurt us and see the fruit they may bear. Share on X

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