Luke 10:42 – October 5, 2021

There is need of only one thing. Mary has chosen the better part and it will not be taken from her. Luke 10:42 – NABRE                   

Jesus is welcomed to the home of Martha and Mary as He travels towards Jerusalem for Passover. Mary sits at Jesus’ feet listening to all He is saying while Martha is burdened with all the serving required for Jesus and the others who have traveled with Him. Martha desires Jesus speak to Mary to have her help with serving, but Jesus tells Martha she is anxious and worried about many things. While Martha is anxious about many things there is only one thing that should hold her attention, the one thing is listening to Him as Mary has chosen. Jesus says Mary has chosen the better part and it will not be taken from her. This small passage has been the source of much debate between those who seek to be active for the kingdom of God, and those who seek to be contemplative for the kingdom of God. Of course following this debate to a conclusion would often end up with some sort of compromise that declares our life requires the unity of these two approaches. Union with God through prayer overflows into all the activities of our life, so that all we do bears fruit. But this is not what Jesus is tells Martha. 

I am sure anyone who has hosted a dinner or party has run into the very issue Jesus is trying to address. We work for days before hand to make the event perfect, perhaps food, drinks, music, entertainment and when our guests arrive we are preoccupied with all the details of the event to the point we do not spend much time with our guests. Jesus is saying if we welcome someone then a big part of welcoming them is listening to them, meeting them and making them a priority. Doing this we will ensure our guest feel special.

What are your hospitality traits? What are your parties like?

Jesus is saying if we welcome someone then a big part of welcoming them is listening to them, meeting them and making them a priority. Doing this we will ensure our guest feel special. Share on X

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