Luke 11:4 – October 6, 2021

and forgive us our sins for we ourselves forgive everyone in debt to us, and do not subject us to the final test. Luke 11:4 NABRE                 

Jesus’ disciples ask Him to teach them how to pray. It would seem a good idea when training in a spiritual discipline to ask the teacher to provide a prayer teaching. Jesus teaches what has become known as the Lord’s Prayer, starting off, “Our Father who art in heaven…”  The prayer ends with forgiveness. When we pray to God we should always ask for forgiveness, which assumes we always need forgiveness. We are constantly made aware that we are sinful, we don’t always do what is right and therefore we should ask forgiveness. We are meant to help ourselves and those around us attain the kingdom of God. But through our human nature we are constantly seeking our own self-gratification or success and when we do we risk offending others. Often our sinfulness is in the harm we bring others. So Jesus tells us the second part of the asking for forgiveness is to forgive others. As we offend others, we are often offended. It seems more and more in today’s culture offense is the number one event in all our lives. Fingers are constantly being pointed, ideologies and acts declared sinful and judged with people pulling away from each other rather than helping attain the kingdom of God. If we had an attitude of forgiveness, if we made forgiving a priority, perhaps we could live in a culture we would enjoy. 

How much do we prefer to avoid others and not hear their offense? Conversation, the listening to other’s ideas seems a lost occurrence. We must get back to a forgiving attitude. It is easy to be offended, often we take offense where none is intended. It is only with an attitude of forgiveness can we become a culture that enjoys life with each other.

Do you expect forgiveness? Do you forgive easily?

It is easy to be offended, often we take offense where none is intended. It is only with an attitude of forgiveness can we become a culture that enjoys life with each other. Share on X

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