Luke 10:25 – October 4, 2021

There was a scholar of the law who stood up to test him and said, “Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?” Luke 10:25 NABRE                

Jesus has been speaking about things being hidden from the learned and following this word a person who is learned appears, a scholar of the law, he is a scribe and teacher of the Torah. Such scholars in Luke are always portrayed negatively and since this scholar is in front of Jesus to test Him this scholar is also portrayed negatively. Addressing Jesus as Teacher, he asks a question that is considered typical of the late Hebrew Scripture period that would constantly occupy the rabbis, what must I do to inherit eternal life? It is a question that will be asked by a rich official to Jesus later in the gospel of Luke. Jesus turns the question around and asks the scholar, “What is written in the law? How do you read it?” It is as if Jesus is aware he should know the answer to his own question and is asking Jesus as a challenge. Often as Jesus goes around the towns and villages, spending time in the synagogues and the temple, He is approached by scholars and leaders with the intent to make Jesus look bad in front of the people who admire and listen to Him.

It is typical of leaders even today, questions and conversation are not always about honest communication but rather to imply someone on the other side of their ideology or power group is bad or wrong for the people who support or admire them. We think the leadership of today is different and harsher than we have ever seen, but these leaders’ questions of Jesus give witness to the idea that it is something always evoked. Jesus seems to handle naysayers carefully and with ease, providing the reader with a message that supports how to live and still love those who are against us.

How do you handle confrontation? Do you desire to be right or loving?

Jesus seems to handle naysayers carefully and with ease, providing the reader with a message that supports how to live and still love those who are against us. Share on X

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