Mark 9:37 – September 19, 2021

“Whoever receives one child such as this in my name, receives me; and whoever receives me, receives not me but the One who sent me.” Mark 9:37 NABRE               

Jesus is speaking with His disciples who have been arguing about who would be the greatest in the kingdom of God. Jesus takes a child and places it in their midst and declares whoever receives one such as a child in His name, receives Him and receives the One who sent Him. Jesus continues to overturn norms, children were viewed as nonpersons who had no legal rights or status of their own, they were “nobodies.” But with His gesture Jesus shows human affection for this child and teaches His disciples a new esteem and responsibility for the seemingly helpless. To receive a child is to accept, lovingly serve and care for those who most need it and cannot repay it. To receive in Jesus name is to welcome such a person for the sake of Jesus and in deference to Him. Jesus identifies with those who are insignificant in the eyes of the world. We also read, to receive them is to receive the One who sent Jesus. Jesus is an emissary of God, so Jesus should be accorded the same respect and dignity due the authority that sent Him, God. So if we treat the lowly without respect, Jesus is telling us we are treating Him without respect and essentially we are treating God without respect. How we treat the lowly is by extension a treatment of Jesus and God.

Jesus has spent a majority of His time in public ministry with the lowly and insignificant in the eyes of the world. To Jesus these are the most significant and should be treated significantly. Our treatment of the lowly, the “nobodies” of the world is a measure of treatment of God Himself. Whatever we do to the least of us, we do to Jesus.

Who are the lowly you pass by during the day that you do not notice? How should we treat those in the most need?

Our treatment of the lowly, the 'nobodies' of the world is a measure of treatment of God Himself. Whatever we do to the least of us, we do to Jesus. Share on X

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