Matthew 16:23 – August 5, 2021

He turned and said to Peter, “Get behind me, Satan! You are an obstacle to me. You are thinking not as God does, but as human beings do.” Matthew 16:23 NABRE            

Matthew opens a new section where Jesus becomes more specific with His disciples about what will happen when they get to Jerusalem, He will be killed and rise again on the third day. Peter cannot accept this about Jesus. The Jesus he knows is strong and powerful, he can accomplish anything and people are attracted to Him, even sinners and tax collectors, people who are nothing like Him. So for Peter what Jesus is saying about suffering and dying is not acceptable, it is not believable. He tells Jesus no such thing will happen and Jesus rebukes Peter. Jesus tells him it is the words of Satan he is using and not the words of God. Peter has heard God and calls Jesus Messiah, Peter is also influenced by Satan and tries to push Jesus away from His mission. Jesus says Peter is thinking as human beings, not as God thinks. This is the challenge of every disciple, to think like God. Jesus calls Peter an obstacle, a stumbling stone to the mission to accomplish. Peter is not doing anything evil, he thinks he is sticking up for His friend, helping, but finds out otherwise. 

We often offer advice we think is helpful to a friend or family member, but do we really know if it is Godly advice? Sometimes suffering is part of God’s plan. To avoid pain our entire life may not be the best thing for our growth. Even though our advice is not taken, it is in the offering that we are perhaps an obstacle. We often feel like we can offer advice unsolicited, passing on experience or lessons from our own mistakes. But this offering may be the mistake. Perhaps waiting to be asked for advice is best.

Do you like to help friends with advice? Do you consider your advice from God’s perspective?

We often feel like we can offer advice unsolicited, passing on experience or lessons from our own mistakes. But this offering may be the mistake. Perhaps waiting to be asked for advice is best. Share on X

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