Mark 9:9 – August 6, 2021

As they were coming down from the mountain, he charged them not to relate what they had seen to anyone, except when the Son of Man had risen from the dead. Mark 9:9 NABRE           

Jesus takes several disciples up a high mountain where He is transfigured and greeted by Elijah, Moses and a cloud that contains the voice of God. This transfiguration is a foreshadowing of Jesus in His glory. Those present are in awe and did not know what to say. It is easy to imagine they begin to realize Jesus is much more than they had ever realized. There is no doubt they have to be changed hearing the voice of God say, “This is my beloved Son. Listen to him.” But as much as this moment was fantastic and awe inspiring, as they move away from this moment and return to join the rest of the group they hear something even more fantastic. This transfigured Son of God tells them that He will die. They are basking in this heavenly glory but come down from the mountain Jesus charges them not to relate what they have seen to anyone. This would seem like an impossible requests, they have never seen anything this fantastic and to be told to keep it quiet about it has to be such a challenge. But they can speak about it after Jesus dies and is risen from the dead. They have no idea what this means, what does rising from the dead mean. Why would the Messiah have to die?

Imagine being on a mountain, seeing two of the greatest prophets and hearing God’s voice, then hearing the focal point of this message announce His own death. Their doubt is understandable, and those who have doubt today are accepted and given the chance to come to belief. Faith does not depend on fact, but allowing ourselves to believe and having a chance at hope. Believe and have hope in Jesus and your life will improve.

Are there times when you doubt God? Can you work through doubt?

Faith does not depend on fact, but allowing ourselves to believe and having a chance at hope. Believe and have hope in Jesus and your life will improve. Share on X

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