Matthew 14:20 – August 2, 2021

They all ate and were satisfied, and they picked up the fragments left over-twelve wicker baskets full. Matthew 14:20 NABRE           

Matthew shares the story of the multiplication of the loaves and fish. A large crowd has come to Jesus and He is healing and teaching them. As night falls the disciples wonder about all these people eating and Jesus’ plan is they should feed the people. This seems impossible but of course nothing is impossible for God. They have five loaves and two fish that Jesus takes, blesses, breaks and gives to His disciples who in turn gives them to the crowd. All are able to eat and twelve wicker baskets of fragments are collected. God not only provides for all to have their fill, but God provides an abundance leaving much for the disciples to carry with them. 

This number of leftover baskets is significant. Matthew likes to tie back to the Hebrew Scriptures where we first hear the number twelve in Israel, the twelve tribes. Jesus will select twelve apostles based on the tribes of Israel as well. Even when we read about Jesus in the temple as a youth He is twelve years old. Twelve is a sign of perfection in God and is mentioned one-hundred and eighty seven times throughout scripture. The number transfers into the secular world with twelve months of the year and other places. As God’s number it likely has significance in our lives somehow as well. Look for twelve and see how it appears in your life and pay attention to its significance. 

What does twelve mean to you? How can you use twelve to impact your life?

As God’s number it likely has significance in our lives somehow as well. Look for twelve and see how it appears in your life and pay attention to its significance. Share on X

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