Matthew 14:23 – August 3, 2021

After doing so, he went up on the mountain by himself to pray. When it was evening he was there alone. Matthew 14:23 NABRE            

Jesus was tired and hoping to rest but a great crowd followed Him and He had to hear them, heal them and feed them. Afterward He dismissed the crowd and His disciples and wanting to be alone went up a mountain by Himself. This was Jesus time to pray. Most of us might have gone off to sleep but for Jesus being alone gave Him a chance to be with His Father. We are all refreshed and strengthened in different ways and Jesus consistently shows being alone is a time to pray. In fact Jesus teaches we should be alone to pray as well. “But when you pray, go to your inner room, close the door, and pray to your Father in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will repay you.” (Matthew 6:6)

Prayer is an important aspect to any human life. Consistent and contemplative prayer allows us to connect with God and get to know Him. There is no need for many words just be open to the presence of God. The more we are with God the greater the chance we can discern God’s small quiet voice. Regular prayer attunes us to hear God even when we are in a crowd. Jesus went off to be alone to pray but there are many instances when He communicated with God when He needed a sign or a blessing while in a crowd. Quiet prayer lets us know God is with us and for us always.

When do you pray? Do you recognize God’s voice?

Regular prayer attunes us to hear God even when we are in a crowd. Quiet prayer lets us know God is with us and for us always. Share on X

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