John 20:18 – July 22, 2021

Mary of Magdala went and announced to the disciples, “I have seen the Lord,” and what he told her. John 20:18 NABRE             

Jesus is met at the empty tomb after His resurrection by Mary of Magdala. She has come to the tomb to further prepare Jesus body and is surprised to see the tomb empty and His body missing. She is frantic asking where He has been taken. When Jesus appears, she does not recognize Him until He calls her by name. She holds Jesus, a gesture declaring her love and devotion. Jesus knows Mary, she has been with Him day after day helping in His ministry, He trusts her and depends on her to begin His mission, she is the first sent to spread the news of His resurrection. It is likely without resurrection Jesus would have gone into history unnoticed. But once resurrected He sends His apostles, the first Mary, to spread the news of God’s love for humanity and the hope of eternal life. Mary has been Jesus’ disciple for a long time, an unlikely apostle but as apostle means sent she is the first sent.

Jesus never fits into “normal” categories. Jesus knows the value of every person and how important their gifts are to welcome the kingdom of God into the world. No one person can be left out of the important mission of sharing Jesus’ message. It can be as Mary does spreading the word of Jesus, it can be by living a holy life, witnessing to the good that Jesus lives, it can even be by quietly praying for others without any recognition whatsoever. Jesus depends on every person, including children and His faith in humanity is only exceeded by His faith in His Father. We should imitate the faith of Jesus and see others as He sees them. We are all sent by Jesus, it doesn’t require any more than living up to our natural gifts. 

Are you aware how much Jesus needs you? Do you live faithfully?

We should imitate the faith of Jesus and see others as He sees them. We are all sent by Jesus, it doesn't require any more than living up to our natural gifts. Share on X

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