Matthew 13:23 – July 23, 2021

But the seed sown on rich soil is the one who hears the word and understands it, who indeed bears fruit and yields a hundred or sixty or thirtyfold. Matthew 13:23 NABRE           

Jesus has shared several parables with those listening, including His disciples. Almost one third of Jesus’ teaching comes in the form of a parable. A parable can be anything from a saying, riddle, proverb or a narrative that illustrates a truth and makes a comparison to a real life situation. Jesus has told a parable about a sower sowing seed, where the seed lands accounts for the fruit grown. Seed on a walk way, or in the weeds, or among thorns is not able to root or grow easily and will not produce fruit. However seed that falls in rich soil will produce an abundance of fruit. Jesus asked by His disciples what the parable means explains very clearly it is a parable about the kingdom and what is produced by those evangelizing. Jesus tells them seed sown in rich soil is the one who hears the word and understands, in other words, you disciples who understand what Jesus is  saying will be able to multiply followers of Jesus abundantly. Jesus is pointing to His disciples and indicating they have knowledge of the mysteries of the kingdom, they truly see and hear, and if not yet they will when all is revealed. Disciples are identified as those who understand Christ’s teachings, even His parables and so they are like seed falling on rich soil. They are ready to receive the word of God and absorb it producing an abundant harvest, sixty or thirty fold.  

Being ready to receive is important. Farmers have a saying; God will send the rain when He is ready, you need to prepare your field to receive it. We must be open to receiving God’s grace. 

Are you ready to receive? Will you be able to understand the mysteries of the kingdom of God?

Being ready to receive is important. Farmers have a saying; God will send the rain when He is ready, you need to prepare your field to receive it. We must be open to receiving God's grace. Share on X

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