Mathew 13:1 – July 21, 2021

Such large crowds gathered around him that he got into a boat and sat down, and the whole crowd stood along the shore. Mathew 13:1 NABRE           

Jesus attracts large crowds, in this passage He is squeezed in and has to go out in a boat to be able to speak to them. It is not a spectacle for just this moment, often when people feel abandoned and without guidance they will grasp a leader and follow them no matter where they may lead. Jesus is the Son of God and His charism and miraculous actions attracted many people, all looking for something from Him. We read on several occasions Jesus recognizes the people follow because they receive something, food, or a healing. Jesus has been critical at times of the religious leadership saying the people have no shepherd, “… his heart was moved with pity for them because they were troubled and abandoned, like sheep without a shepherd.” (Matthew 9:36) 

When people feel abandoned lacking any type of leadership they tend to follow false prophets, people who say things they like to hear but offer nothing but false hope. Jeremiah warns in 586 BCE that false prophets are leading the people to the destruction of the temple and community. In 66 CE rebellious prophets lead the people to revolt using messianic predictions of success which leads to the second destruction of the temple. Even today we have leaders who accept the mantle of a messianic leader, bringing society to the edge of destruction. We all want a savior, someone sent by God leading us righteously. Jesus disciples know our savior has come and wants us to lead people in a walk towards God. Looking for someone to come be a savior opens us to false prophets. In the end, false prophets destroy societies, which is the only way their follower’s see they are only profiteers.

Who do you seek as leader? Where is your true savior?

Looking for someone to come be a savior opens us to false prophets. In the end, false prophets destroy societies, which is the only way their follower's see they are only profiteers. Share on X

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