Matthew 6:27 – June 19, 2021

Can any of you by worrying add a single moment to your life-span? Matthew 6:27 NABRE           

Jesus teaches His disciples not to worry about what to eat, wear or their body, life is more than these things. Then Jesus asks a rhetorical question, can worry add to your life-span. (I wonder if Jesus considers earthly life or eternal life as well.) Jesus is aware as many are, we spend so much time on what we will eat, wear and taking care of our body. When we are not physically doing something about these things we tend to be considering them. We may not worry where our next meal may come from but we do worry about making enough money to afford food, clothing and if we want to be very specific a gym membership. When has worry accomplished anything? Jesus wants us to let go of these things, to trust God and we will receive what we need, if we completely trust, we will receive in abundance. Ultimately, our life-span will increase because we have eliminated anxiety and worry. 

Jesus’ way is not the way of the world. We are “told” to get a good education, attend a good college, find a good job and work all our life to provide for ourselves and our family building up a nice retirement nest egg that will provide for us when we can no longer work. The world pushes a difficult life agenda, one that doesn’t sound very attractive when we just put it in one sentence. Unfortunately we also heard during the COVID pandemic work and school are necessary for us to have a social life, yuck! Jesus tries to convince us this is not the way to a life of joy and leisure. Let go of all your worry, all your plans for success, let God take care of you as He does the birds of the sky. Make life about more than worry and work.  

Do you focus attention on surviving? How would you like to be assured your life will be fine?

Let go of all your worry, all your plans for success, let God take care of you as He does the birds of the sky. Make life about more than worry and work. Share on X

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