Mark 4:40 – June 20, 2021

Then he asked them, “Why are you terrified? Do you not yet have faith?” Mark 4:40 NABRE           

Mark tells the story of Jesus and His disciple’s crossing the sea. While in their boat a storm rises up and tossing the boat it begins to fill with water. The disciples are afraid while Jesus is sleeping on a cushion. They wake Jesus and calling Him teacher ask why He doesn’t care they are perishing. It is interesting to reflect on these men, many of whom are fishermen and most likely familiar with the sea and the storms that come upon them while fishing. Yet in this storm, they defer to Jesus, somehow believing He will be able to do something about their situation. They have only been with Jesus for a short time but He always gives them confidence, they know He can make everything okay and in this crisis they are wanting Him to tell them everything will be okay. Jesus looks at them, seeing their fear and asks why they are afraid. We don’t know the tone Jesus uses, He may be asking as a caring parent, or perhaps He asks as their teacher who wonders why they have not understood a basic lesson. Jesus then challenges their faith. He has constantly been teaching about faith and trust in God. 

If we have faith, nothing should terrify us. If we have faith no matter the outcome everything will be fine; in faith God is in control. Jesus, their teacher and even in a crisis situation is sure to teach, in this case He teaches about faith. He could be saying, with faith the sea cannot hurt us, with faith life cannot terrify us, with faith everything will be okay. Jesus wants us to have faith in God and trust in everything. Trusting God will bring us safely to where we need to go. Faith is important for disciples, without it we really are not disciples. 

What is your opinion of faith? How do you measure your faith?

Jesus wants us to have faith in God and trust in everything. Trusting God will bring us safely to where we need to go. Faith is important for disciples, without it we really are not disciples. Share on X

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