Matthew 7:3 – June 21, 2021

Why do you notice the splinter in your brother’s eye, but do not perceive the wooden beam in your own eye? Matthew 7:3 NABRE           

Jesus teaches about judging and uses a humorous parable about having a wooden beam in our own eyes while we notice the splinter in someone else’s eye. Jesus’ true meaning is that we should not criticize the minor sins of others when our own sins are likely much larger. Jesus will go on to say clear out the beam from your own eye and then you may be able to help others. I think this is something I do quite often, see other’s sins or issues and then overlook all my own. It may be a way to justify my own weakness or sinfulness. If I can see the problems someone else has I can then justify what I am doing. The saying comes to mind; at least I am not as bad as him or her. We all struggle, we all mess up, we all sin. Using sin here as a label for doing things that are selfish, self-serving perhaps by taking advantage of others. I have often had the idea driving that those going faster than me are crazy and those going slower than me are selfish. The only perfect person in my scenario is me. 

Jesus would have us work on ourselves, become better people, clear out the things in our life that keep us from being pure and joyful. Using the eye in the parable Jesus is making the point that with the wooden beam in our eyes we can’t really see others, especially their splinters. What we may think are their flaws could just be us projecting our own issues. Without clear eyes we cannot judge nor help others. Clear your eyes, work on you and grow in love for others, seeing their flaws clearly and recognizing they are trying. 

What are the beams in your eyes? How can you help yourself?

Without clear eyes we cannot judge nor help others. Clear your eyes, work on you and grow in love for others, seeing their flaws clearly and recognizing they are trying. Share on X

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