Matthew 6:22 – June 18, 2021

The lamp of the body is the eye. If your eye is sound, your whole body will be filled with light; Matthew 6:22 NABRE           

Jesus has been teaching about treasure, He wants His disciples to seek treasure that has value in heaven, not to build up earthly treasure that only serves to enrich us bodily on earth. Jesus makes a point on how we see things. In life, what is illuminated for us comes through the lamp of the body, Jesus says the eye is the lamp. So how we deal with wealth depends on how it is illuminated in our approach, do we see earthly treasure as something to work fully for and save for our own earthly benefit, or do we desire the things of heaven, where charity and generosity are riches that will fill us with light. Earthly riches can easily turn us to darkness, our efforts can turn to protecting our wealth and not trusting others, believing they are coming after our wealth for their own benefit. Jesus desires we always look to serve others in charity and generosity, it is the way to have a sound eye which illuminates our journey to a heaven full of treasure. 

We can take a second meaning on Jesus’s teaching, what we see with our eyes creates an image in our mind that we hold onto for many years. We cannot unsee what we have seen. What we see influences and changes us. Studies of healthy men who continuously look at pornography show their brain is physically changed. What we see has an effect on us, sometimes changing us without our intention to change. Protecting ourselves from seeing horrific things is helpful. Sometimes we can’t help what we see, but we should always try to see what will bring us light, not darkness. 

Do you have a plan to be generous? Is you lamp illuminating good for your life?

Jesus desires we always look to serve others in charity and generosity, it is the way to have a sound eye which illuminates our journey to a heaven full of treasure. Share on X

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