You are already pruned because of the word that I spoke to you. John 15:3 NABRE
Jesus is speaking to His disciples about the vine and the branches, how remaining attached to the vine they have life and bear fruit. The vine grower, the Father, will prune the vine and it will bear more fruit. Using the word pruned, some translations interpret as cleansed. Being made clean in biblical language is to be made righteous, ready for communion with God. Purity rituals are a major aspect of life for a Jew, but Jesus is concerned with internal purity. To be made clean means we can bear more fruit, we can influence others to become disciples of Jesus. Jesus has this interesting line where He says the disciples have already been pruned because of the word He spoke to them. Therefore the disciples are cleaned and can bear much fruit. I think we see they bear much fruit after the resurrection and ascension of Jesus. But how has the “word” cleansed them? The disciples still struggle with understanding what Jesus is speaking about when He tells them; He will raise the temple in three days, or the Son of Man must die. Much of Jesus teaching centers on belief, we may not understand intellectually Jesus teaching’s, but if we trust and believe then we are considered pruned and ready to bear much fruit. The disciples are in this category, they don’t understood everything, but they trust and believe. Even in moments of doubt they return to trust and belief.
Doubt is ok, the role of “doubting Thomas” in scripture is to let us know doubting is ok. However, we must return to belief. We must trust Jesus, and believe. Putting all our faith in Jesus and depending on Him exclusively we too can bear much fruit. Hearing the word and believing we too are already pruned.
Are you already pruned? Do you put complete faith in Jesus?
We must trust Jesus, and believe. Putting all our faith in Jesus and depending on Him exclusively we too can bear much fruit. Hearing the word and believing we too are already pruned. Share on X#bible #godisgreat #jesus #christianity #dailybibleverse @youversion #BeAnEncourager #prune #word #John #everybodyalways #god #jesuschrist #jesussaves #godisgood #dailydevotion #biblestudy #scripture #bibleverse #verseoftheday #cross #last #Matthew #loveeachother #godisgreat #thisVineyard #youversion #everythingalways