John 15:11 – May 6, 2021

I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and your joy may be complete. John 15:11 NABRE           

Jesus has been speaking to His disciples about the relationship between Himself and His Father, their communion so complete that seeing Jesus is seeing the Father. Jesus turns His attention in these final verses to His relationship with His disciples. He is transitioning from being their teacher to being their friend. Knowing the time of His passion is near and He will no longer be with His disciples as He has, He wants them to know about his love for them and the love He welcomes from them. The heart of Jesus’ message is love, we must love God and love others. Jesus begins to speak about how to demonstrate love for Him and God, particularly by doing their will. To follow Jesus is to have faith in Jesus and therefore do as He has done which is the will of the Father. As disciples, these friends, and we are challenged to do the same. There is a moment in their future when the disciples will be sad and confused but Jesus tells them they will have joy, complete joy. Jesus will say to them, “So you also are now in anguish. But I will see you again, and your hearts will rejoice, and no one will take your joy away from you.” (John 16:22) 

Seeing Jesus is complete joy, losing Jesus is anguish. If you never know Jesus you aren’t aware of this anguish, but you also aren’t aware of complete joy. Jesus is death and resurrection, anguish and joy. Though God does not plan Jesus’ death, knowing death is coming God turns anguish to joy. This is the meaning of resurrection, all is joyful completely. Nothing removes joy from a person who fully knows Jesus and all He has shared. Jesus speaks to us in the word so we may have joy, complete joy! 

Where is your joy? Do you know complete joy?

Nothing removes joy from a person who fully knows Jesus and all He has shared. Jesus speaks to us in the word so we may have joy, complete joy! This is the meaning of resurrection, all is joyful completely. Share on X

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