John 6:33 – April 20, 2021

For the bread of God is that which comes down from heaven and gives life to the world. John 6:33 NABRE           

A great crowd, whom Jesus fed is challenged by Jesus to seek food that endures for eternal life, which He can give them. The crowd wants a sign, like the one Moses gave their ancestors providing manna in the desert for their life. The manna is on the desert floor every morning, they take as much as they need for the day’s bread. Each day more manna is found and every day until they leave the desert and are able to grow their own crops (see Exodus 16:16-36.) Jesus tells them this is not a sign from Moses but from heaven, the bread from heaven is given by the Father. Jesus says, the bread that comes down from heaven gives life to the world. They ask for this bread. Jesus is this bread of life. When we go to Jesus we no longer hunger, when we believe in Jesus we no longer thirst. 

The metaphor is easy to understand, we all get hungry, we all get thirsty, and no matter how much we eat or drink we will be hungry again. The Hebrew ancestors in the desert needed to collect their manna every day to be satisfied. Following our own plan we always desire more, think we need more. With Jesus we are satisfied. With Jesus our hunger and thirst are satisfied. With Jesus we are no longer led by our stomachs, we are led by our heart. Sure we will still need to eat, but we are not driven by primal need. Our heart leads to God and our needs are met each day. We don’t have to spend day after day seeking food, in fact we do not have a desire to seek out basic needs. With Jesus all is satisfied without great searching. With Jesus we are nourished by the word, by love, by the knowledge that God will always take care of us. With Jesus we are seeking what endures. 

Is much of your time wasted maintaining basic needs? Do you want to seek bread that endures?

With Jesus we are nourished by the word, by love, by the knowledge that God will always take care of us. With Jesus we are seeking what endures. Share on X

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