John 11:50 – March 27, 2021

nor do you consider that it is better for you that one man should die instead of the people, so that the whole nation may not perish. John 11:50 NABRE            

Jesus performs an amazing sign, witnessed by many, Lazarus dead for several days is called back to life by Jesus. Jesus’ popularity is growing and the local religious authorities are concerned about losing their influence and the trust of Roman leadership. If Rome does not trust the leaders to control the people they worry Rome will further occupy the Jews and take away privileges. This initiated a tribunal of Jewish leaders called the Sanhedrin, to discuss concerns and the popularity of Jesus. Caiaphas, the High Priest, suggests it is better for one man to die to save the nation. As High Priest he would have been thought of having a prophetic voice and in this case he was making sense. Kill Jesus and the nation is saved. This is prophetic because Jesus is seen as the Lamb of God, one sacrifice to save all the nations. Though Caiaphas and the Sanhedrin are thinking selfishly, their planning and actions allowed the true work of God to occur. Jesus is sacrificed for the salvation of all. Caiaphas unwittingly admits a spiritual truth. 

The Sanhedrin plan an evil act, to murder Jesus, but God is able to use sin and evil for the good. We see this often. Though 9-11 was a terrible tragedy, many good people rallied together to help those who lost loves ones and many wonderful tributes have come since that attack. Evil is not justified but God finds a way to make good out of pain, suffering, tragedy and more. In life when we suffer, turning to God can help us find the good that is possible.

Have you seen good come from suffering? What suffering is in your life now?

Evil is not justified but God finds a way to make good out of pain, suffering, tragedy and more. In life when we suffer, turning to God can help us find the good that is possible. Share on X

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