Philippines 2:6 – March 28, 2021

Christ Jesus, though he was in the form of God, did not regard equality with God something to be grasped. Philippines 2:6 NABRE           

Paul is writing about the qualities of the Christian community, which he sums up by saying, humbly regard others as more important than yourselves, looking out for the interests of the other, over our own interests. Paul then writes about Jesus, who is God, Omniscience, Omnipresence, Omnipotence and much more, saying Jesus does noes regard equality with God something to be grasped. Jesus puts others first, lives humbly and though He is the only one to see God, does not live as though He is more special than any other person. Jesus puts all His focus on God as the one whom He serves, whose will He desires to achieve and who is the reason for His life and mission. Nothing for Jesus is more important than serving, pleasing and doing the will of God. If we compare Jesus’ approach to that of our first parents, Adam and Eve, who we might say was looking for equality with God, Jesus seeks only to please God, not disobey. God is everything and Jesus wants to live so when people see Him they see Him totally for God. 

We are challenged to be like Jesus. We should not try to be little gods, or very important people at the expense of others. We should live our life pointing to God, the Master of all. If Jesus’ example is to live humbly with humility we are also called to live humbly and with humility. We should always put others before ourselves. Jesus witnesses to living humbly so we who desire to follow Him live with the same attitude. Our life should point to God as the One, knowing we are best when God leads us. 

Can you live a life of humility? Do you put others first, even before yourself?

Jesus witnesses to living humbly so we who desire to follow Him live with the same attitude. Our life should point to God as the One, knowing we are best when God leads us. Share on X

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