Mark 9:9-10 February 28, 2021

As they were coming down from the mountain, he charged them not to relate what they had seen to anyone, except when the Son of Man had risen from the dead. So they kept the matter to themselves, questioning what rising from the dead meant. Mark 9:9-10 NABRE           

Jesus takes three of His Apostles, those who would have a prominent role in the early days of the “ecclesia,” up a high mountain. They would be deeply inspired by the events that would occur on this mountain top experience. As we look at the return trip Jesus tells them not to tell anyone about what they have seen until He has risen from the dead. There questions weren’t about what happened but what it means to rise from the dead. Jesus knows people will speak of this event and all their questions should be answered after they have seen the whole story of Jesus life and death. This experience is so profound it is shared at the right moment and likely told to close friends before hand secretively. It is easy to imagine they hung on to this question of rising from the dead, and yet they are stunned when Jesus is executed and dies.  First, coming to believe Jesus is the anointed one, sent by God to free them, how could He die? Then when he does die, how could He rise again? As faithful Jews they would have known about resurrection as prophesized by Daniel, an end of age prediction (see Daniel 12:2, 12:13.) 

Disciples of Jesus today believe in resurrection from death to life, but I think any of us would have trouble explaining what that means. I suppose we expect people rise in a new Kingdom, but even that is hard to imagine. With faith we expect to learn when it is right, for now we live with hope and some questions. Jesus provides us with a life like His, we accept this and live like him as best we are able.   

What does it mean to rise from the dead? Do you believe?

Disciples of Jesus today believe in resurrection from death to life, but I think any of us would have trouble explaining what that means. Jesus provides us with a life like His, we accept this and live like him as best we are able. Share on X

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