Matthew 5:45 – February 27, 2021

that you may be children of your heavenly Father, for he makes his sun rise on the bad and the good, and causes rain to fall on the just and the unjust. Matthew 5:45 NABRE           

Jesus challenges those listening to love their enemies and pray for those who persecute them. This would have been difficult for people to hear, for the most part their enemies and persecutors where the Romans and those they inserted as proxy rulers, who were oppressing the people, taxing them heavily and treating them with violence and injustice. But loving these people is precisely what will make those listening, children of the Heavenly Father. Whenever a follower of Jesus responds to persecution with love they become good children, taking on the characteristics of the Father Himself. To stress the point Jesus says the Father makes His sun rise on the good and the bad, He causes the rain to fall on the just and unjust. Those of us thinking as followers of Jesus we are going to get all the breaks and everything will bend toward our good luck, we should be aware this is not how God works. God doesn’t negatively affect those who are not followers or who are His enemies, God provides sun and rain for all. 

God isn’t looking for people who will be good children because He rewards every good deed. God desires our love and our love for others no matter what the circumstances of our life. Christians can be as rich or poor as anyone else, their Christianity Is not a reason to expect all good will and riches. No matter our state in life, we will have enemies and persecutors, we are called to love them, pray for them and through our life show we are children of God. 

How do you react to an oppressor? Do people see God when they see you?

No matter our state in life, we will have enemies and persecutors, we are called to love them, pray for them and through our life show we are children of God. Share on X

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