Luke 16:13 – November 7, 2020

No servant can serve two masters. He will either hate one and love the other, or be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon. Luke 16:13 NABRE           

Jesus shares a parable of a dishonest steward. The steward is asked to provide an account of his masters property, hearing the master will let him go for dishonesty. Concerned about losing his job, the steward wonders what he can do and comes up with a plan to reduce the debt of those who owe money to the master that will ingratiate himself with those debtors and a possible future. This behavior is called dishonest by Jesus in the parable but Jesus none-the-less says the steward is prudent in his behavior. Jesus describes the people of the secular world as prudent in dealing with the transactions of a secular life. Jesus moves the discussion on prudence to stewardship. Describing to the listener that the steward is using resources wisely, not only helping himself but also helping those who were in debt. While prudence is important, faithfulness is critical; being trustworthy in small matters so that we can be trusted in big things. Jesus indicates there is a parallelism between having riches and using them wisely, resources are only on loan while we live, these resources belong to others, they belong to God. Treating resources as our own we have to focus on these resources, they become our priority. If we think of resources as belonging to God than we can trust God to take care of these resources and our focus can be on God and no other. Jesus concludes by telling the listener they cannot serve two masters, either we focus on our resources or God, but not both. 

Faithful disciples keep their focus on God and trust God to provide all that is necessary in our lives. God is the only master we require.

Are you a prudent steward? Who is your master?

Faithful disciples keep their focus on God and trust God to provide all that is necessary in our lives. God is the only master we require. Share on X

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