Joshua 24:15 – November 8, 2020

If it is displeasing to you to serve the LORD, choose today whom you will serve, the gods your ancestors served beyond the River or the gods of the Amorites in whose country you are dwelling. As for me and my household, we will serve the LORD. Joshua 24:15 NABRE           

The book of Joshua climaxes the stories of Moses in the Pentateuch, narrating the take-over of the Promised Land under Joshua’s leadership. God delivers on promises He has made to the patriarchs. The chosen people, with the help of the Lord, conquer the land, settling down and living in peace. Going forward the people must stay true to the Covenant made with God. Joshua in this closing chapter recounts all God has done for the people, from Abraham to the moment living in the Promised Land. Joshua then challenges the people to serve God faithfully with sincerity and forgetting about other false gods. But if it is displeasing to serve God they should choose who they will serve, the gods beyond the river or the gods of the Amorites. Joshua declares he and his household will serve the Lord God who has watched over and guided the people faithfully. This freedom to choose is an important aspect of following God, if we want to choose other gods, we are free to do so, it means nothing to choose God believing we have no choice. But knowing all God has done in their lives Joshua expects the people to serve the Lord God. 

We too can make a choice today to serve any god. Sometimes we put priority on our job, or money or our country or politics, putting all our service into these or other things that become gods in our life. But choosing to serve God requires our priority be for God, who as Joshua describes and we know from the message of Jesus does all for us. God cares more about us than Himself, and we are challenged to return the love.

Who do you serve? Is God worthy of your service?

Choosing to serve God requires our priority be for God, who as Joshua describes and we know from the message of Jesus does all for us. God cares more about us than Himself, and we are challenged to return the love. Share on X

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