Psalms 94:18-19 – August 23, 2020

When I say, “My foot is slipping,” your mercy, LORD, holds me up. When cares increase within me, your comfort gives me joy. Psalms 94:18-19 NABRE            

This is a psalm about oppression, the psalmist invokes God as judge, laying before Him the oppression that the people suffer at the hands of those who think God does not know what is happening. Those who are oppressed cry out for help, saying “my foot is slipping.” God who is kindness supports them and will strengthen their hearts with courage which will reinforce their weakened feet. God’s way differs from the way of humans. We see in our time the #blacklivesmatters movement which is born out of oppression, black people have been pushed to a point that they can no longer work within the system for change, they have decided to use protest. This psalm could be about them, like the Hebrew people of its origin. While they speak out and force their voices to be heard we know that God hears in all matters! People of flesh and blood see oppression and aren’t able to see the way to freedom, instead we look at this movement and see it against what America stands for, and so they get push back. We proclaim #alllivesmatters, which may be a way for us to hold up the rich, the successful and those in power. If oppressors notice someone falling they don’t reach out to help, in fact they may even give a push down. But God reaches down and lifts up the oppressed, the lowly, the poor, God upholds them. God will judge those who oppress others, and His judgement will push the oppressor down. God’s justice comes with Jesus, who will reveal and show the inner most thoughts of humans.

Disciples of Jesus seeing oppression must reach out to lift, to strengthen footing, to comfort and bring joy. This is what Jesus does, it is what we must do.

Are you an oppressor? Can you lift up the lowly, poor and oppressed?

Disciples of Jesus seeing oppression must reach out to lift, to strengthen footing, to comfort and bring joy. This is what Jesus does, it is what we must do. Share on X

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