Romans 8:32 – August 22, 2020

He who did not spare his own Son but handed him over for us all, how will he not also give us everything else along with him? Romans 8:32 NABRE           

Paul writing to the community at Rome is speaking about the great love that God has for all His children. Paul knows that with God on our side all things we do for the good of God, will be accomplished. With God we are a success. Paul even indicates that all our success was known to God.  Paul speaks about Christ becoming a redemptive savior before the beginning of time. Then he writes a line that we have heard before, “If God is for us, who can be against us?” People may try to challenge us, but with God on our side, their challenge will come up short. God, who offered His Son as a savior and witness for all humankind, with great sorrow and deep love, will give us everything as well as Christ. Paul offers God did not spare His own Son. He certainly has in mind the story of Isaac, Abraham’s only Son who Abraham was willing to sacrifice because of his faithfulness, yet God spared Isaac. When it comes to the best for every other person in the world, God does not spare His only Son. There is a relationship between the crucifixion of Jesus and the sacrifice of Isaac. Abraham’s willingness to sacrifice Isaac is a foreshadowing of what God the Father will offer all of humanity. Thus we are heirs of all things, including Christ. 

Trusting in God is the most faithful way to succeed and inherit all God has in the world. We receive Christ and we receive all the things of heaven and earth. God wants us to have everything, because God deeply loves us. Return God’s love and inherit all.

Are you aware you will succeed with God? Do you have faith to let God lead you?

Trusting in God is the most faithful way to succeed and inherit all God has in the world. We receive Christ and we receive all the things of heaven and earth. Share on X

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