Colossians 2:9-10 – July 16, 2020

For in him dwells the whole fullness of the deity bodily, and you share in this fullness in him, who is the head of every principality and power. Colossians 2:9-10 NABRE           

Paul in this letter to the community at Colossae writes that even without his presence they have Christ present in themselves; He walks with them, they are rooted in Him, their faith is built upon Him. They should not let anyone convince them there are other powers more interesting or captivating. With Christ they have the fullness of God. The quoted verse begins declaring that Jesus has the fullness of the divine within Him. The God who fills all creation has chosen to make His presence fully accessible in His incarnate Son! The fullness of God dwells in the transformed risen humanity of Jesus, such that all divine life, grace, and power are found in Him. Paul wants to convince those he is addressing in the letter that they need Christ. There is no reason to call on other spiritual powers or to fear their influence, in fact to do so is to return enslavement. Rather they (and we) share in the fullness of Christ’s deity. Christians are part of the body of Christ, His divine life is imparted to them.  Christ is the head of every power and principality, the master of all creation, whatever function they may have in the universe. Christ is the head of every principality and power, Christ is the sovereign power over every spiritual force in the universe.

As members of the body of Christ we share in the divinity of Christ. The fullness of God is completely in Christ and we dwell in Christ and receive the deity that is in Christ. We receive grace, power and divine life. Nothing can be better for us.

Do you recognize the divine within you? Do you recognize the divine within others?

The fullness of God is completely in Christ and we dwell in Christ and receive the deity that is in Christ. We receive grace, power and divine life. Share on X

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