Ephesians 6:4 – June 18, 2020

Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up with the training and instruction of the Lord. Ephesians 6:4 NABRE           

Paul in this letter to the community at Ephesus is speaking directly into the household. He has spoken about the relationship of the family previously, how the father of the family should love his wife as Christ loves the church and how the wife and children should be respectful and follow the head of the house, the father. Next Paul speaks about and to the children. He speaks of the commandment honoring father and mother. Following this will help things go well for them in life. Paul turns again to the father telling him to be tolerate of their children, not to cause children to be angry. Jesus spoke about anger being equivalent to killing another person. Anyone angry with a brother is liable to judgement as those who have killed (see Matthew 5:21-23.) Paul brings this message into the household. A parent could easily anger their children, through discipline and punishment, at times without even knowing. Creating an angry child could be a pattern repeated, even into their adulthood they may carry this anger into other parts of their life. Paul goes on to speak about instruction from a father to his children, including instruction in the Lord. It is key that Christian parents teach their children more than succeeding financially, they need to teach Christ and the life their children should lead as a follower of Christ. 

Today we must look out for our children, protect them as much as possible from things that will cause instability in their lives and to teach them the ways of Christ, true stability. By taking care of our children we are building the kingdom of God. They will live better and the world will be better thanks to them. 

Do you model Christ as a leader?  Are you a good influence on others?

Today we must look out for our children, protect them as much as possible from things that will cause instability in their lives and to teach them the ways of Christ, true stability. Share on X

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