Ephesians 5:25-26 – June 19, 2020

Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ loved the church and handed himself over for her to sanctify her, cleansing her by the bath of water with the word, Ephesians 5:25-26 NABRE           

Paul is charging husbands to love their wives as Christ loves His ecclesia, church. The church is the people, and for Christ the way He loved his people is He died for them. Husbands should die every day for their wives. Paul is not speaking about a romantic love, rather a deep love, a great love, a love shown in the choices of the will, it does not depend on worthiness or value. The love God has for us, it is Jesus’ love in doing everything for others. It is a subordinated love, the lover raising up the loved and doing everything possible for the loved. Husbands must do everything possible for their wives, prize her, cherish her, care for her, be affectionate toward her, doing everything in seeking her good. Paul does not give a list of ways to love, he says do it like Christ does for His ecclesia. Christ handed Himself over, He dies for His ecclesia, and by doing so He sanctifies her, made her holy. Husbands do all you can to make your wife holy. Christ cleansed his ecclesia by the bath water, once holy Christ leaves the waters of baptism for the ecclesia to be cleansed. Christ also cleansed through the word, He provides His message that we may find our way to holiness. Husbands always allow your wives to be spotless, cleansed of all sinfulness and bring her the word, guide her in the way of the Lord so she is sanctified. 

There is no greater responsibility of a husband than to lead his wife and love her in such a way that her life is sanctified. Husbands should be subordinate to their wives as Christ is to His ecclesia, doing everything for her good.

Do you love your wife as God loves his people?  Do you work to her sanctification?

There is no greater responsibility of a husband than to lead his wife and love her in such a way that her life is sanctified. Husbands should be subordinate to their wives as Christ is to His ecclesia, doing everything for her good. Share on X

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