Ephesians 1:18 – June 2, 2020

May the eyes of [your] hearts be enlightened, that you may know what is the hope that belongs to his call, what are the riches of glory in his inheritance among the holy ones, Ephesians 1:18 NABRE           

Paul writing to the community at Ephesus is encouraging them to know God, to understand what is available, to know God’s gifts. The quoted verse is Paul writing about hope. First he speaks about enlightened hearts, referring to an interior understanding, a true knowledge of God. Paul no doubt feels he knows and has expressed the truth about God and His plan, more than in a theoretical way but having an inner understanding and appreciation of it. Jesus speaks about revealing the Father and if we know Jesus we know the Father. God is revealed in the hearts of those who listen to Jesus, to Paul, to the Spirit dwelling within each of us. We are enlightened because it is God’s plan that we know Him. In that enlightenment we will know about hope that belongs to God’s call. We are called to know God, an invitation to enter into relationship with God, through the message Jesus shares. Accepting this invitation we have hope. Hope is about the future, if we are in relationship with God, if we accept His call, we have a future that will be of unimaginable compensation, or perhaps better said unimaginable magnificence. Paul said it is a future with riches of glory, inherited from God for the holy ones (all those who accept the invitation.) This word glory is one applied to Christ post resurrection. It is what Paul indicates will be our inheritance, our hope. If we accept God’s invitation for relationship with Him, we will receive glory.

Accept God into your heart, hear the words of Jesus and know God, not be familiar with God, but become deeply mired in making God your friend. 

Do you know God? Do you seek God daily?

If we accept God's invitation for relationship with Him, we will receive glory. Share on X

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