1 Peter 2:9 – July 8, 2019

But you are “a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people of his own, so that you may announce the praises” of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. 1 Peter 2:9 NABRE     

Peter writing to the communities in Asia Minor is announcing who they (and we) are in Christ. He provides several images including what we see in the quoted verse. We are a people of his own, a chosen race, a holy nation, a royal priesthood. The phrases build up; we are God’s own people, God is our creator and He is always caring for and watching us. We are chosen of God, the first chosen were the Hebrew people, it was a selection that allowed others to see God is a God who selects and chooses. In Christ we are all chosen. Coming together as chosen people we make up a holy nation, not a nation with land and physical boundaries but a nation under the Lord, coming together for the particular purpose to share about the Body of Christ. Finally we are a royal priesthood, the priest is to offer himself for the people. Making us priest, Christ expects we will give our life for others, not necessarily die, although that is possible, but to put others first, to be the person of Christ to those who need us to self-sacrifice so they may live. In all of this we are to announce Christ, praising Him for bringing us from a dark world to the light, from individuals who seek their own pleasure to a nation that is living for others.

Peter depends on the text from the scriptures about the chosen people being delivered from slavery in Egypt and delivered from Babylon. Both messages that God never forgets His people. Christ is another act of God’s deliverance. We are raised up in Christ. God reveals we are monumentally important to Him.

Do you feel you are important to God? Do you live a life worthy of a chosen person, race, and nation?

Christ is another act of God's deliverance. We are raised up in Christ. God reveals we are monumentally important to Him. Share on X

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