Songs 3:4 – July 22, 2022

Hardly had I left them when I found him whom my soul loves. I held him and would not let him go until I had brought him to my mother’s house, to the chamber of her who conceived me. Songs 3:4 NABRE                

This book named Songs is a bit of a puzzle; only two things come across clearly – that it has to do with the love between a man and a woman, and that it is full of allusions to a spousal covenant between God and His people. We are meant to see this deep love between this husband and wife as the love God has for us and the love God desires we return to Him. The text quotes from a chapter in which a beloved is seeking their absent lover. The beloved looks back over fruitless searches and finally in her third attempt she finds her lover. It can be viewed as a trial, there will be suffering and loss in love but through perseverance in love the beloved overcomes hardship and ache. Finding her lover, she does not let him go, she brings him to her mother’s house, a place of safety and security. The mention of mother, her house and the place of the beloved’s conception indicate the most intimate and hidden parts of the soul. If we see God as the lover, we understand she is bringing God to the most intimate and hidden place she has, it is a place she wants God to be forever, deep inside herself, it is special place for her and she especially holds God’s love there.

This love song should help us see what is most important, the love of the one we seek. If we seek God in this way, never abandon God, never let God out of our soul we will never be without God. There may be hardships and trials but holding steadfastly on to love for God, we will always have a treasure in our most intimate place.

Who do you love most in your life? Can you imagine God’s love for you?

If we seek God in love, never abandon God, never let God out of our soul we will never be without God. There may be hardships and trials but holding steadfastly on to love for God, we will always have a treasure in our most intimate place. Share on X

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