John 15:20 – May 21, 2022

Remember the word I spoke to you, “No slave is greater than his master.” If they persecuted me, they will also persecute you. If they kept my word, they will also keep yours. John 15:20 NABRE                

Jesus warns His disciples the journey ahead will not be easy. The world hates Him, though Jesus has done many good things for people during His presence. His life is taken and He is hated by the people who He has helped. They call out to crucify Him, Jesus is aware, people are led by leaders, who are especially selfish and lean toward negativity. People seem to prefer to be against someone or something than to cheer for their success. Leaders infect people with negativity because they are afraid of losing their power. Their greed makes them more destructive when it comes to beauty and goodness. Jesus is criticized and accused and then put to death, all so leaders can feel safe in their leadership. Though with God they could have everything, certain leaders prefer their honor through earthly power and the cheers of the common person. Jesus knows this kind of hatred and greed and He warns His disciples the same will happen to them. He has been their master, and as He is persecuted disciples of Jesus will be persecuted as well. Jesus declares those who hate do not know God, and they do not keep the word of God.

Ultimately God is always victorious, disciples may struggle today but God has a great reward for all those who keep Jesus’ word. The world’s hatred is meaningless, the greed of the world will not be eternal. The joy of God will take over and will usher in a new earth and a new heaven as Jesus promised. Jesus’ warning about hatred comes before His passion, and those who follow will remember His prediction. These are words of courage and strength.

Have you seen hatred? Are you strengthened by Jesus’ word?

The joy of God will take over and will usher in a new earth and a new heaven as Jesus promised. Jesus’ warning about hatred comes before His passion, and those who follow will remember His prediction. These are words of courage and strength. Share on X

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