John 14:28 – May 17, 2022

You heard me tell you, “I am going away and I will come back to you.” If you loved me, you would rejoice that I am going to the Father; for the Father is greater than I. John 14:28 NABRE               

Jesus speaking final instruction to His disciples, repeating a number of times He is going away and will come back to them. His message is difficult to understand, even for us today. Jesus goes away, in the tomb for three days and Christ returns. After resurrection He meets His disciples for many days and encounters but He leaves them again. He returns through the Holy Spirit who is with us always. But in reality, Christ is always available, departing embodiment we can meet Christ anywhere, especially where two or three are gathered in His name. We also believe Christ will return again in judgement, bringing a new heaven and a new earth. The disciples expect this second coming in their life time, but we don’t have evidence they experienced a return of Christ in the second coming and we disciple’s today still wait for His return. How Jesus means He will come back can be any of these ways.

I like to think we need a tipping point. We are responsible to create the kingdom of God, where all people love one another and come into full communion with God. What is the tipping point? A number of people who need to accept and create the kingdom of God here and now, until then it has not occurred, otherwise we would have a new earth. We disciple’s of Jesus are to create this new earth and with it the new heaven. Thus far, we have not gotten there. We spend lots of time creating churches and places of worship but are these the things that bring about the kingdom of God or do we need to be living as Jesus lived; healing, feeding, and caring for each other. Christ returns, but we still have work to see Him in the second coming.

Do you meet Christ? Did he come back for you?

We disciple’s of Jesus are to create the new earth and with it the new heaven. Thus far, we have not gotten there. Share on X

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